Terima kasih atas kesabaran Anda dan kami benar-benar memohon maaf atas ketidaknyamanan yang terjadi. Kami sedang berupaya untuk membuka kembali layanan kami dan berharap dapat melayani pelanggan kami sesegera mungkin.
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Melissa Rifkin is a registered dietitian who has been living and working in NYC for over a decade. While she is a dietitian by profession, Melissa believes that being healthy does not just mean from a dietary perspective. Melissa practices with the belief that your body is a sanctuary and health encompasses eating nutritious foods, exercising, and balancing mental well-being. Melissa encourages small, attainable, and practical goals to help her clients balance all three areas. She wants her clients to embrace the process of change and to enjoy the foods and exercise they incorporate into their lives. Melissa is a fitness enthusiast and a certified spinning instructor who has run two marathons and enjoys cooking and creating new recipes. Learn more at melissarifkinnutrition.com.