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Glowing Skin Smoothie Bowl

115,125 Dilihat

Start the morning with this collagen-rich smoothie bowl.

Supplementing with collagen helps keep bones, joints and tissues be strong and flexible. It may make nails stronger, hair shinier and joints more limber.

Stirring a scoop of collagen into a green smoothie bowl is an ideal way to make supplementation an everyday habit. California Gold Nutrition CollagenUP is sourced from fish but never tastes fishy. It's water-soluble, so it mixes easily into the smoothie.

Our bodies ability to create new tissue, from glowing skin to strong healthy nails, depends on it's ability to digest and absorb the nutrients we take in.  If your digestion leaves something to be desired, consider adding the powder from a capsule of California Gold Nutrition LactoBif Probiotic.  Or if food allergies are a concern, add the powder from a capsule of California Gold Nutrition Colustrum instead.

Glowing Skin Smoothie Bowl



  1. Place first seven ingredients in a food processor or blender and mix until smooth.
  2. Top with fresh fruit, coconut and granola.

Serves one.

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